MOSCOW, March 19 - RAPSI. The Moscow District Federal Commercial Court confirmed the dismissal of the lawsuit by the Finance Ministry to recover $450.25 million from Murmansk Trawler Fleet.

The ministry sought to recover from the Murmansk Trawler Fleet the amount of unjust enrichment for operating six fishing ships purchased for the fleet at the federal budget's expense. The amount was determined on the basis of the fish caught over the ship's nine years of operation, which the ministry deems unlawful.

The ministry explained to the court that the fleet's obligation to repay the funds was documented in a debt instrument that was later declared invalid. Therefore, the funds were collected under a legal procedure, but the ministry seeks unjust enrichment for the entire period when the fleet possessed the vessels, but had yet to pay for them.

The Moscow Commercial Court fully turned down the ministry's lawsuit in September. The court held against the ministry's action to recover 1.15 million euro from Sudoimport, which entered into contracts on the fleet's behalf. Thus, the ministry sought the amount of its agency fee.