MOSCOW, August 14 (RAPSI, Olga Siverkina) - Opposition and anti-corruption activist Alexei Navalny has appealed the ruling of the Lyublinsky District Court of Moscow ordering him to refute the information about State Duma lawmaker Igor Rudensky which had been posted on his blog.

The appeal will be considered on September 10.

Navalny claimed that Rudensky in violation of the federal law failed to declare land property he owns in the Moscow Region. Navalny's post led to a special meeting of the State Duma Committee for the control of the lawmakers’ income and expenditure. However, no violations were found.

Rudensky filed a lawsuit against Navalny claiming that the information which appeared on his blog was false. 

Lyublinsky court in its ruling handed down on June 30 ordered Navalny to refute the information about Rudensky.

Navalny remains under house arrest since March 28. He is prohibited from using the Internet after restriction measures were imposed on him in the Yves Rocher embezzlement case.

Navalny and his brother Oleg stand accused in a fraud case involving cosmetics company Yves Rocher Vostok. Investigators allege that the Navalny brothers embezzled upwards of 26 million rubles ($717,792) from the cosmetics company, as well as upwards of 4 million rubles ($110,430) from the Multidisciplinary Processing Company by way of a fraud scheme. The brothers were further charged with having laundered 21 million rubles.

Alexei Navalny has already been given a suspended sentence of five years for the embezzlement of funds owned by Kirovles company.